
A Way Together 

I Corinthians 12:31-13:1-13

Many years ago, I handed out laminated cards to all the children in worship one Sunday. We talked about how we are never alone because Jesus always walks beside us. When we feel sad, hopeless, or are afraid, we remember that Jesus’ love never fails because he always walks beside us.  

United Methodists are living in uncertain times, as the Commission on a Way Forward continues its mandate to discern how the people and congregations of The United Methodist Church can remain united despite our differing views around human sexuality. As United Methodists all over the world prayer for the work of the Commission, The Iowa Conference invites you to open your hearts to God’s life-giving grace, pray without ceasing, and walk with God and each other this week.

Jesus, where are you? Are you here?
Will you walk with us during this challenging time?
We try to listen to each other’s stories, but we confess our hearts can become hard.
The truth is that we like to be with those who are like us.
It’s so much easier.
Jesus, where are you? Are you here?
Will you give us the courage to do a new thing?
Psalm 139 says that each human being is fearfully and wonderfully made.
But, God, why did you make us to be so different?
It must be because you delight in variety.
Now there are varieties of people, but the same Spirit.
Can our love for each other, despite our differences, be a witness to your extravagant, self-giving love for our world?
Jesus, where are you? Are you here?
Can you give us a little help, a little guidance, a little hope?
Can we embrace the mystery of who you are and who we can become?
Please forgive us, God. Enlarge our borders. Increase our vision, and empower us to claim and share the grace that you so freely offer to all.
Jesus, where are you? Are you here?
I can’t always see you walking beside me, but I know that I am never alone.
And neither is anyone else. You are always by our side.
Keep walking with us, please?
And keep us walking the still more excellent way of love together.

Bishop Laurie encourages you to sign up for a day of prayer either individually or as a congregation. You can use the use the Register Now button below to register your commitment to prayer during this week.


Iowa Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, 2301 Rittenhouse Street, Des Moines, IA 50321 (515) 974-8900